$1,650 – $2,745
Payment Schedule for 5 Nights (3 Nights are Charged in Full):
Deposit: Due at Checkout
Final Payment: Due December 1, 2024. See receipt sent from us directly with links to pay balance.
This is not auto-charged to your card.
Cancellation Policy:
To cancel for refund, please respond to the receipt sent from us or contact us through our website. We don’t want you to cancel, but sometimes you have to and we understand. Our overflow hotel cancellation policy is divided into two separate charges: the hotel charge and the event charge, each with its own refund terms. These charges are bundled together in the total price, but the refund eligibility and cancellation limits for each may differ. Refer below for the specific refund guarantees and deadlines for each charge.
31 or + days before arrival = No penalty, *less transaction fees.
30 to 07 days prior to arrival = 25% Overflow Hotel Fee
6 or less days before arrival = Non-refundable
Modifications allowed only before 30 days prior to arrival.
EVENT FEE CANCELLATION POLICY: $350/per couple per day
+31 to 8 days prior to the event = Fully Refundable, *less transaction fees.
7 or less days before event = Non-refundable