Lauren and Richard's Mission Statement:
We traded in our old lives to start living a life with simpler, sexier and happier moments at Desire Pearl.
We invite you to do the same.
We’ve learned there is no amount of money that can buy those special moments in life, the moments that stay in your heart and mind, reminding you why life is worth living. For us, to live is to laugh and to love. Love motivates us and nestled inside that love is our passion for life, the passion that fuels us. So, if you feel that way about your life, we say,
“Do it."
"Do it well."
"And do it often!”
Our mission statement is to spread as much fun, joy and laughter as we can during our short, precious time on this planet. We love to share our passion and our joy with everyone we cross paths with who is open to embrace it.
We made the Desire Resorts the centerpiece of our existence because the resorts and all of the great people there make us feel beautiful and vibrant. The resort brings out the best in us and the people we meet, there.
Today, we make our living from the tips we receive from the generous people who participate in our Art of Touch Workshops and through inviting people to book at either of the resorts through our Desire and Temptation Affiliate program.
Attending our free workshops and booking through us not only helps us pay our bills, but it also allows us to expand the good times, acceptance, and sexiness we try to pay forward to others.
We would love to meet you on your next getaway to Desire; we’ll do our best to provide a deeper sense of excitement and joy, fun and sexiness and smiles and memories. Live vicariously with us while taking a break from the craziness of your world.
When you’re here, allow us to help you experience happiness, joy, and precious moments with the one you love.