Room 77 | Resources and Affiliates

Room 77 Life has collected a number of valuable resources which are either useful, fun or informative to all of us in the swinger lifestyle.  Some of these are featured in our posts but we have collected them here for easy reference.  We hope you find these useful.

bikini addiction

Bikini Addiction

We’re addicted.  We want you to be too. Bikini Addiction was started by a fellow Room 77 Podcast listener who loves teeny

Swing Life Style Community Swing Life Style Community claims to have the largest online swinger community and they may be right.  In addition, they provide

swinger dating site

SDC – swinger dating site

SDC is a premier swingers’ community and dating site so when you want access to great blogs, expert advice, videos, podcasts and

Come join us at Desire Resorts

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