Our Life's An Open Book | Share A Little of Yours

Remove Desire (or other) Ads
You’ve checked out Desire or some other website and now you’re getting ads! Our tech guy has some tips to help rid your work computer of your searches, so you can be secret again.

The Birds, the Bees and the Beekeeper
So what does a beekeeper have to do with a lifestyle blog??? I asked myself that same question when approached. The more

Self Care vs Self Love (and why we need both)
As we enter into this season of February love, let’s take a look at self love vs. self care and why we actually need both!

Expectations, Chemistry, and Colette’s
Sara backs up our theory: ‘the more expectations you have in the lifestyle, the worse-off you are.’ Read about their recent date at Colette, New Orleans.

Pleasure Garden Club – Philly’s Lifestyle Hot Spot
Pleasure Garden Club by: Sex On the Fringe Erin and I are fortunate in that we have three easy options for lifestyle

Life lessons learned from Candy Crush
It’s no secret that I’m addicted to Candy Crush, but I didn’t realize all the lessons learned from playing it until recently. One night the blocks formed a heart shape and it started me thinking, “What has this game made me think about after going through all these levels?”
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Better Together!
We all know a lot about a little. But together, we can know a lot about a lot! Share it with us, anonymously of course, as a guest blogger.