Enjoy and share swinger | Origin stories

Nervous Newbies
by the Southern Yellow band-ers We’re still reeling She and I both “forumed” up, months of research. The Desire experience somehow did

A Whole New World – Part 3
by Jeff & Karen What happened there Being non-swingers we went in with no plans to have sex with anyone else. That lasted

A Whole New World – Part 2
Jeff continues to describe their first trip to Desire in Part 2 of A Whole New World. He discusses seeing their first penis and how it went getting naked for the first time.

A Whole New World
Let me guess – you’re curious about visiting Desire. Why should you care about my opinion? Because my wife, Karen, and I are new. Really new. Like, “completely, 100% new to any lifestyle activity of any sort” new. And our first dip into this pool was a three-day trip to Desire Riviera Maya.

Our Journey into the Swinger Life Style
This is the story of how a 22 year happily married couple, @WeMightBeSwingers, journeyed into the swinger life style.
It all started when my naughty wife planned a long overdue vacation for just the two of us. She found a couples only resort in Jamaica that had an interesting twist.

Getting started with exhibitionism and bisexuality
Logically, there are so many reasons why we should have stayed far away from the lifestyle. Turns out, all of those are exactly the reasons why the lifestyle was perfect for us, so we jumped in first with a little exhibitionism and bisexuality.
Come Join Us at Desire Resorts
Sharing Is Caring!
The lifestyle is all about sharing. We would love to hear your “Origin Story”! Share it with us, anonymously of course.